How Can I Improve My Business Insurance Policy?

How Can I Improve My Business Insurance Policy?

How Can I Improve My Business Insurance Policy?

Here are some pointers:

  • Make a list of your questions and concerns about your current coverage and discuss each one with your agent.
  • Advise your agent about any changes to the scope of your business and learn about your options for covering these risks.
  • Decide on changes that meet your needs and budget.

Question My company has grown a lot over the past few years, but our coverage hasn’t. We certainly have more to lose now than ever before. What can I do to strengthen our business policy?

Richard Khasim, a Farmers Insurance® agent in Escondido, California, has this to say about improving your coverage.

Answer You know your business better than anyone else. Along with the rewards of running your own show, you have risks and responsibilities that no one understands quite like you do. If you’re thinking it’s time to update your insurance policy, you’re probably right.

Make a list of your concerns and discuss each one with your agent. You may already have as much coverage as you want for some risks, and too little or none at all for others. Your agent can help you understand where your business might be vulnerable and ways to cover these risks within your budget.

Every business is unique, so there’s no standard test for evaluating your coverage. Your best strategy is sitting down with your agent to explore your options and find solutions that work for you.

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